Kiran Channa
Operational Head of Pharmacy,
Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
Kiran Channa is an experienced hospital pharmacist as Operational Head of Pharmacy. She is very passionate about education, training and leadership and is a member of the United Kingdom Clinical Pharmacy Association (UKCPA) Education and Training Committee.
Kiran works with Keele University and is responsible for the postgraduate Medicines Optimisation module on the Clinical Diploma, and also leads the Quality Improvement module on their MSc in Global Healthcare Leadership. She is also conducting research around deprescribing as part of a Doctorate.
01-Nov-2024Innovation & Integration TheatreSupporting your team to undertake research: barriers and facilitators
01-Nov-2024Innovation & Integration TheatreThriving beyond burnout: nurturing a healthier pharmacy culture
01-Nov-2024Innovation & Integration TheatreAllyship in action: unlocking the power of the individual
01-Nov-2024Innovation & Integration TheatreHow is the use of technology and digital solutions impacting the delivery of hospital pharmacy? The data
02-Nov-2024Room 8Taking the next step in your career drop in
02-Nov-2024Room 8Taking the next step in your career drop in
02-Nov-2024Room 8Taking the next step in your career drop in