24 Sep 2024


Rx-info Ltd Stand: G50

Define is used in 100 per cent of acute NHS hospitals as well as Community and Mental Health Trusts throughout England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, to enable them to accurately measure their medicines usage, clinically and financially, in comparison to a peer group of hospitals.

This sets a benchmark in terms of the cost and quantity of medicines used, and can help identify significant savings as well as improve the quality of prescribing practice. It helped one Trust save more than £110,000 per year by identifying an opportunity to change a prescribing practice.

Indeed, Define has been supporting the Carter Review Model Hospital Programme since 2014, as well as UKHSA's antimicrobial resistance initiatives.

Define can also:

  • Chart progress towards antimicrobial CQINN compliance
  • Collate drug usage through different supply routes
  • Identify VAT-efficient routes
  • Identify CQINN opportunities, NHS guidance compliance, medicines safety and savings opportunities
  • Support national safety agendas such as antimicrobial stewardship and the Antibiotic Guardian programme.

The Define software package is compatible with all pharmacy systems including JAC and Epic and provides intelligence in medicines usage in Secondary Care in a similar way to the ePACT system used in Primary Care. Define runs within the NHS’s secure HSC network.
Access allows an unlimited number of users within that Trust, to help maximise the clinical and financial benefits for our customers.
As standard, we provide exceptional customer support for all our customers.

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